The most titled baseball team, New York Yankees, continues to be the most expensive club in MLB. The 27-time US and Canadian Premier League champions topped the US Forbes magazine and its 22nd edition since 1998. In the order of 2019, the Yankees are No. 1 with a value of $4,6 billion, an increase of 15% over the previous year. Los Angeles Dodgers ($3,3 billion), followed by champion Boston Red Sox ($ 3, 2 billion) and the top six are Chicago Cubs ($3,1 billion), San Francisco Cants ($3billion) and New York Mets ($ 2, 3 billion). Lastly, among the 30 MLB clubs is Miami Marlins ($1 billion), with a little behind behind Tampa Bay Race ($ 1, 01 billion) and Kansas City Royals ($1,25 billion)are respectively 29 and 28 respectively. Meanwhile, the average of teams in the Major League increased by 8% to $ 1, 78 billion, for the first time each team cost at least $ 1 billion.
'This is the 22nd annual MLB survey and for this period the averageof the clubs from hockey picks rose by 11% at an average annual rate.', the Forbes analyst Mike Ozanyan pointed out. 'For the same period, the NBA and NFL teams have risen 13% and 12%, respectively, with centralized revenue from MLBs (mainly national TV rights) is $ 2,76 billion in 2018, and local revenue (from the stadiums and local TVs) amounts to $ 7,29 billion. This means that baseball luncheon is mainly fed by tickets, sponsorship and cable operator deals.'